Wednesday, April 20, 2011

All good ...

We got aboard Queen Elizabeth yesterday at about 1400. No sooner had we arrived in our cabin when there was a knock at the door. Our friends Chris and Terry were already aboard and were waiting for us. Great to see them again. We were nuts last night, unpacking, dinner, and then some much needed sleep (we'd gone 40 hours without sleep after leaving NYC).

Currently we're in the Bay of Biscay, off the coast of France, heading for Lisbon Portugal. Just getting ready for lunch with our friends but I'll have pics up later from last night's sunset over Southampton Water. Fortunately, we didn't encounter any bears. Heh ... Glad you, the Mrs. and the pups are safe, homeboy.

Later ...


Last nights sunset:

Over Southampton Water

With the Isle of Man Wight in the background

Off to tea with Chris & Terry. Ta ...

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