Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Criminal Probe Heading Scott Walker’s Way

Ya put a shiny nickel where he'll see it and when he bends over...ya probe him!


This morning, a criminal complaint filed in circuit court alleges that William Gardner, the president and CEO of Wisconsin & Southern Railroad Co., skirted campaign donation laws by soliciting employees to give to Scott Walker’s campaign and then reimbursing them, in what amounts to two felony counts. It has also come out that Walker’s campaign then reimbursed Gardner and seven additional railroad employees to the tune of $43,800, which indicates a criminal probe is imminent of Walker’s campaign.

The state might be trying to get William Gardner to testify against Walker with the two felony counts. If this is legitimate, the people of Wisconsin have more than enough reason to oust Walker. If it’s unclear how serious this is, think Tom DeLay (my em).

A pattern of systemic corruption within the Wisconsin Republican Party is being established by recent events. What we have here is a pattern of reckless disregard for the law, which I deeply suspect will eventually rear its head in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race as well, though we don’t know exactly how yet. But the Walker administration and the Republicans in the state Senate and House have established a pattern of violating the law, now topped off by allegations against a donor of violations of campaign laws.

Systemic corruption? Repugs? Yep, from coast to coast. If they didn't break laws wholesale they'd never get elected. Finances, vote tampering, lying, cheating, the works.

But it's OK. God told them to, and besides, it's the American way. Yeesh.

Let's hope this pans out.

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