Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fascism R' Us ...

Carl has a good post up at Michael's place, a civics lesson as such, on the Fascist society we have built:


Here's the thing: power attracts money. Money creates power. That vacuum no longer exists, and society must be vigilant, eternally so, against that slop-over. As we see, the combination of business and government is a most dangerous one. It creates fascism.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: a free society is a three-legged stool: government, the people, business. Any one of those legs gets chopped down, and the stool tips over. In fascism, the government and business carry axes. The people do not, precisely because of the regimentation and conformity that is imposed.


While most believe they "know Fascism when they see it", through their votes they've welcomed it unnoticed:


When fascism has been imposed in the past, in nations like Italy (where it was born) and Nazi Germany, it came from the government.

Here in America, it's been creeping in through the corporatocracy, aided and abetted by the government and the Brownshirt thugs who support the cause.

This is why the signs of fascism, as plain as day, are ignored by many people, who have been indoctrinated that free enterprise is their ally and government is the enemy, when in fact government is the sole bulwark against the encroaching fascist state.


And when did this happen?

... The second the business sector was allowed to participate fully in the political process, America was doomed to fascism.


The quotes I pulled don't do it justice so I'd urge you to read the whole thing.

We've allowed corporations and the rich to extort our democracy away from us and I get the feeling we're never going to get it back. They're too entrenched in our political process, with money and personnel, to weed them out. That is, unless we change the campaign finance laws and those concerning "corporate personhood".

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