Monday, April 18, 2011

Later ...

Gotta go drop the dogs at Dr. Grove's place, then check on dad-in-law once more, and then begin to pack. I still got a load of laundry going too. I am so far behind I'm about to lap myself. For once I'm happy for an overnight flight because the car won't get here until 5. I might actually get everything done.

If I don't stop back here today, I'll catch you from the ship tomorrow. As usual, I'll be posting at Worlds while I'm gone so you can see what we're up to. We only have 4 ports in 11 days so I'll have time to post a bit more regularly than when we did "Europe on crack" a couple years ago (12 ports in 14 days).

As always, listen to Gordon, try not to drink all my booze, and don't leave stains anywhere I can find 'em. Heh ...


Steely Dan - Home At Last

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