Saturday, April 23, 2011

Minnesota Republicans Want To Bust Poor People Who Carry Cash

I don't carry much cash around with me because I like the convenience of using my debit card to pay for stuff. I use cash for very small purchases or if they're going to charge me for using the card. It's my choice. Your choice is your choice. This is unconscionable. It's the Repug way.

Crooks and Liars

They're not just crazy, they're evil -- and un-Christian, should they have the audacity to claim otherwise. If only we could force them to live like this, they wouldn't last a week:
St. Paul, MN – Minnesota Republicans are pushing legislation that would make it a crime for people on public assistance to have more $20 in cash in their pockets any given month. This represents a change from their initial proposal, which banned them from having any money at all.

It's not stated, but I think the pols are convinced that poor people's only use for cash is to buy dope. They must think that everybody's got a checking account, debit card, credit cards, etc. At the least we're talking massively outta touch here.

At the worst, which is probably a lot closer to the truth, we're talking keep poor people poor so they can be more easily controlled.

There is an obvious target on the poverty stricken in this country. Let’s not forget, just as many poor people are Republicans. This won’t fare well and they’re signing their own Get Out of the House certificate. As the classes divide even more with their assistance, this is further proof that their campaign against government spending was simply to gain power and now, they’ve gone power mad.

They need to be dealt with like rabid skunks.

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