Monday, April 11, 2011

Now what?

Okay, so everybody's patting themselves on the back in Washington, all taking credit for "preventing a government shutdown". And I'll give it to Barry for standing firm on funding for Planned Parenthood. Of course, we'll all find out what they agreed to in the middle of the night as the dribs and drabs come out this week. By Friday, we should see how badly most of us got screwed.

Now the Rethugs are already warning the President that they'll break his balls on the Debt Ceiling vote in a few months. So, I'm sure the Dems are gonna cave some more to get them to go along with raising the debt. How much are they gonna extort this time?

And then they're gonna start on the 2012 budget.

Hopefully, over the next few months, the President will grow a set of balls. If he has to "compromise" anymore, there will be no money for anything. Considering his track record so far, I ain't hopeful. Not when his habit is to govern with the strength of overcooked linguine.

It's got to the point where the Republicans/Tea Party have gotten almost everything they demanded, compromise coming only from the Left side of the aisle. When is the time when the President and the Democrats will say "enough"? When is the time the President will get up in a public forum and say that the middle class and poor have given enough, that it's time for the rich to pay (finally) their fair share? When is the time when someone (Mr. Obama) will stand up and say that cutting spending alone will not fix the deficit and we have to increase revenue? Will it happen before 2012, or will he let them get away with more until he is reelected (if that happens)?

These are a lot of questions I shouldn't have to ask of a Dem President. I should know he'll be fighting for his supporters, not wondering just whom he thinks his supporters might be. Say what you will about George Bush, you knew where he was coming from. You knew he would take care of his pals (and throw some fresh meat to his base every now and then) to keep them in line. So far, Barry's taken care of the corporations and appeased the Republicans. From his actions, he's been more like Republican-lite than a Dem.

Like I said, I certainly don't know what the answer is. The alternative is unthinkable. The Republicans have gotten away with a lot as the minority party, I could just imagine the damage they'd do if they were in the majority, with a Republican President signing every piece of shit bill that came out of Congress. But I would like a real Lefty to challenge Obama in a primary. If anything, it might steer him a little more to the left, maybe he won't be as willing to take us for granted, that he has our vote just because the conservatives suck so much more.

That type of logic will bite the Dems in the ass sooner rather than later, yet I have zero hope they'll change anytime soon. Unfortunately, things will probably get worse before they get better.


Sorry about my absence this weekend but I've been running around like an idiot the last couple days. Leaving for London in a week and the Mrs. has business travel all this week so we got most everything done this weekend. I'll be in this afternoon after I finish the beds in the new garden.

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