Monday, April 11, 2011

Oh, the irony...

Ironic Times

Republicans agree to sell out social conservatives, Tea Partiers, Libertarians; Dems agree to sell out poor, sick, elderly.

Public Thinks Public Broadcasting Receives 5% of Budget
The rest goes to providing abortions to illegal immigrants.

GOP Proposes Trillions in Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, Aid to Poor, Elderly
Reassures Republicans none of them will be affected.

Researchers Develop Cannabis-Like Drug That Dulls Pain Without the High
So far they've received no offers of funding.

Thus proving Fixer's point on the beer IV drip...

Some Prepare for End of World on May 21, Others on Dec. 12, 2012
Some buying survival gear now, others waiting for summer sales.

Buying survival gear for the end of the world is like buying new chrome for a blown-up wrecked motorcycle.

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