Monday, April 25, 2011

Oh, the irony...

Ironic Times

ElBaradei: Bush Should Be Tried for War Crimes
Bush: ElBaradei should be arrested, tortured and shot.

Thank you ElBaradei.

72% Say Raise Taxes on Those Earning More Than $250,000
28% say eat them.

California Wine Company Asks Court to Declare its “Mommyjuice” Doesn’t Violate Rival’s “Mommy’s Time Out” Trademark
Or their “Mommy’s Drunk Now,” or “Mommy’s Soused, Get Lost, Kiddo” brands.

Afghanistan: Buzkashi Championships Begin Under Cloud of Scandal
Apparently some of the horsemen fighting over a headless goat carcass are “juiced.”

They are learning something from us!

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