Thursday, April 21, 2011

Please step away from the fear

If yesterday was Wednesday, it must have been Morford going off on religious right the-sky-is-falling e-spittle.

On it went, item after item, all context-free and gleefully myopic in its abject fearmongering and its intent to scare the unsuspecting reader out of his stock portfolio and into investing in gold bars. Unfortunately, I haven't the space here to list the most garish examples -- there are just so many -- but if you're so inclined, remove your pants, pray to Shiva, and click.

This may be too late, but re 'click' - tinfoil hat alert!

Nothing new here, really. After all, Christian panic mongers like Snyder (and Glenn Beck, and the Tea Party, and the Tories, and nervous cavemen) have been trafficking in similar flagellation for eons. But thanks to the Net, the spiteful imp at the center of his list -- which is to say, fear -- now has far more fluid access to the brainstems of the unwary and the retired.

You'll have to go read the rest. I got things to do. I've been as busy as Fixer usually is for the last coupla days and I don't get up as early. Enjoy.

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