Saturday, April 16, 2011

Royalty ...

A quick one as I'm trying to find clothes I haven't seen in 6 months.

If you caught Larry last night, you heard his "Rewrite" segment about the interest we give to England's Royal Family, especially the upcoming wedding of Wills and Kate. Now, I'm not one for royalty but, being of British descent (dad), being a big fan of the great charitable organizations (over 3000) the royals have lent their names to (namely Diana but Chuck and the Queen as well), I do sorta keep tabs on the boys, watching them grow into the young men they are now. As the son of a British subject, I'm proud of them.

Now, Larry's correct, in the intellectual sense, about the wedding and how much time we spend gawking at them after giving them the finger a couple hunnert years ago but, as R.K. Barry says over at Michael's place:

... Unless, of course, many are not thinking about this in a critical way but simply want to enjoy a good party ...

We'll be aboard Queen Eizabeth* for the wedding**. Why do you think I care? Heh ...

*If I can find my fucking clothes.

**You know the Mrs. and my buddy Terry's Mrs., saps that they are, are gonna cry through the whole thing (especially if they have a couple drinks in 'em beforehand). Pics will be posted as soon as I pull 'em out the camera. Heh ...

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