Saturday, April 2, 2011

Say what you will ...

About Islamic fundamentalists (and you know how I feel about fundamentalist religionists of any stripe), you don't see them going out and burning bibles. What the fuck is with the Christian fundies that they can't show the same respect for others' holy scriptures? Personally, I think they all should be used for kindling but I also believe in respect for my fellow humans and their beliefs (as long as they don't try to force them on me). Jackholes like this piss me off:


Jones originally gave up the idea of a Koran burning, but I guess life got boring without some media attention following Rep. Peter King's fearmongering hearings. Jones's ignorant book burning took place a little over a week ago, though it was largely ignored in the American media.


And now a buncha UN workers are dead. Good job, asswipe.

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