Friday, April 8, 2011

Scandal in Fitzwalkerstan


Scott Walker's Attorney Says Justice David Prosser Is Vital to Anti-Worker Agenda

I find it not the least bit surprising that a county clerk, a former accomplice employee of Walker and Prosser, found 14,000 'misplaced' ballots with exactly enough winning votes for Prosser to avoid a recount.

You can't beat a Repug/'Bagger by 200 votes. You just can't. They just pulled 7000 "votes" outta their ass. They have a well-oiled election-theft machine*, but I think this election surprised 'em and for this particular clerk with a history of dereliction and partisan malfeasance to come up with it sounds like a Hail Mary pass straight from Desperation Row.

*Some folks think they stole as many as 2,000,000 votes from Obama, but he won by too many votes for them to steal enough of them to throw the election into Scalia's hands for the winning vote.

Let's hope this helps and sends a few of 'em to jail:

Federal probe, full recount required in high court race

We will see. Sigh. Repug crimes never fucking end.


The Political Carnival

As a key sign of just how much Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser’s corporate supporters are willing to spend to keep him on the bench, Prosser’s campaign just announced its hire of one of the most high-profile election lawyers in the country — Bush v. Gore recount attorney Ben Ginsberg.


Here we go again.

All I have to say about this for the moment is that you can't set an ambush in the same place twice. Unless you wanta be flanked and die.

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