Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Scared shitless ...

This is what we've come to as a nation:

NEW ORLEANS -- Some civil rights advocates are outraged after a 6-year-old girl received an intense pat-down at Armstrong International Airport security on April 5.

Someone caught the pat-down on video [At link - F.], and it's making its way around the Internet.

It has many asking, are the intense security screenings really necessary, especially for a little girl?


I tell ya what. Why don't we all just hide under our beds and never come out? It's amazing how we talk so big, yet we're so scared that we're reduced to frisking a 6 year old girl. What, did they think her mother shoved a bomb up her ass? Do they think the kid joined a terrorist cell all by herself? What everybody calls "security" is nothing more than feel-good theatrics for public consumption and a welfare program for Homeland Security-related corporations.

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