Thursday, April 14, 2011

"She was lucky ..."

One of the reasons* I believe we should burn all the "holy books" and the "holy men" who use them to control their congregations.

A 15-year-old rape victim was forced to stand terrified before her entire Baptist congregation in New Hampshire to confess her “sin” of having become pregnant.

What Tina Anderson wasn’t allowed to tell the congregation was that she had become pregnant after she was raped by a church deacon, a man twice her age.


Power-mad, sadistic bastards. And it ain't confined to the so-called Christians. Even the rabbis are ratfucking each other in NYC:

It is certainly one of the more unusual cases coming out of the Brooklyn District Attorney's office.

And one that now raises questions about one recent child molestation case.

"Imagine what happens when someone is motivated by greed and causes false or exagerated claims to be made about such terrible abuse," said DA Hynes.


Nobody knows whether the original molestation charge is bogus or not (of course that doesn't matter to the DA), but it gets better:


"Kellner then hatched a plot to make a profit out of this terrible situation by offering a second young man money to falsely claim that Libovits had molested him as a child," adds Hynes.

Kellner is accused of trying to pay him $10,000. Rabbi Libovits went to trial last year on child molestation charges and strangely at the time, even his attorney questioned one of the alleged victims.

But Kellner, the District Attorney accuses, carries his alleged plot even further.


Another power-mad "religious man" using an awful situation to get ahead, then making it worse by witness tampering, maybe even allowing a rapist to go free.

As you know, I'm for freedom to worship, or not, but it really kills me that a decent percentage of Americans want to basically ban Islam (they ain't no better than the others) because they're scared of the terrorist bogeyman, yet willingly bring their children to places, on a regular basis, that seem to be breeding grounds for pedophiles, molesters, and rapists.

What am I missing?


It's too early. I knew I wanted to add another link to this post and my friend WK reminded me in comments. Another who should be burned in a 55gal. drum with a stack of bibles used for kindling is the Catholic League's Bill Donowhore:

It would serve Bill Donohue and the Catholic League well if they went through some basic public relations training. Their latest attempt at bomb-throwing is a full page ad in the New York Times that blames the sexual abuse crisis on an overzealous media, scam artists, and, of course, "the gays."


Another apologist for rapists and pedophiles. If there was the god all these holy assholes claim there is, these fuckers would all have been smited by now.

*Great thanks to Ol' Fez for the link.

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