Friday, April 15, 2011


To my Ann Landers impersonation yesterday. Remember when I said:

... And don't let personal feelings get involved. Just because, for example, Goldmine Sachs are rotten, scumbag motherfuckers doesn't mean you can't invest in them. In this shitbag system, they always come up smelling like a rose ...

Well, they just might not:

Is this the time, finally, when we see some of these bastards go to jail for crashing the economy to feed their own greed? Finally? I wouldn't hold my breath:


It would be nice to see them all perp-walked out of their offices by the feds.

This is a little financial lesson in the making. If indictments come down, I'm unloading as fast as I can. But, as Susie said: "I wouldn't hold my breath" for any indictments materializing. With Levin being a Dem, I'm sure the White House will do their best to nip this in the bud. Wouldn't want Timmy-boy to cry.

Update to the Update:

Comrade Misfit gives good advice too. A buncha people who should neither be believed or taken seriously.

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