Monday, April 18, 2011

Will Trump Tell the Tea Party “YOU’RE FIRED!”

…or just rip ‘em off like he does to everyone he does business with?

He'll work 'em like a redheaded stepchild because they're the only ones brain-dead enough to watch him abuse washed-up celebrity apprentices who need the money like Gary Busey.

When the show's run is mercifully over, sooner rather than later, then he'll tell 'em they're fired.

Yeah, he's rippin' 'em off. It's what he does.


I've actually kinda had the feeling that Trump's being so ridiculous he could be a deep plant, but I like conspiracy theories. Well, the one about JFK anyway.

Puke before reading.

Donald Trump, secret liberal? The top 10 reasons conservatives should hate him

Adds credence to my opinion in the first half of the post.

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