Thursday, April 21, 2011

With A Stroke Of His Pen Obama Strikes Back At Citizens United

"Strikes back" is a little too strong. A "gentle rebuff" is more like it, but it's something. I'da had a coupla SCOTUS Justices taken out and shot pour encourager les autres, but that's just me.

Politicus USA

Conservatives are not known for their veracity, and based on von Spakovsky’s portrayal of the order, there is no telling how Fox, Limbaugh, Beck and myriad Republican presidential hopefuls will spin the story, or to what end their faux outrage will take. One thing is certain; Republicans will make the order tyrannical and un-Constitutional before the dust settles and that should be a signal that the president’s proposal is appropriate and in keeping with democratic principles of fairness. Of course, any attempt at ensuring fairness in government is contrary to Republican principles of corruption, fear mongering, and doing the bidding of the Heritage Foundation.

Got that part right.

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