Wednesday, May 4, 2011

And then we have ...

Our own local idiot.

FOX News, right wing operatives and grandstanding politicians like Rep. Peter King have been whipping up the idea that torture was used to get the vital bit of Intel that eventually helped lead the US to Bin Laden.


Between him and Rudy on my TV all the time since Monday, you'd think nothing else was going on in the NY Metro Area.

And just a little reminder. Remember when I said this:

That I have (this is through friends in dark places) is that [Raymond Davis] found an al-Qaeda installation of some sort (or proof the Inter-Services Intelligence group [Pak] was helping al-Qaeda) and the Paks wanted to shut him up (the Paks on the m/c he killed were ISI, not muggers). What I also heard is the "cleaners" who rushed from the embassy to pick him up (subsequently running over and killing an innocent [maybe] Pak) left the country on John Kerry's plane when he did, even though the Paks wanted to interview them as well. [my em]


I love it when all the pieces fall into place. Heh ...

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