Friday, May 27, 2011

Condolences, Joisey...

The Political Carnival, links and video:

Judge confines James O’Keefe to New Jersey

James O’Keefe, you’re grounded! I wonder what the fraudulent little parolee did this time? ACORN‘s gone, but not forgotten; he’s had his sick idea of fun with NPR; he’s already stuck his greedy, grimy little hand out for donations; avoided the very same cameras he feels free to turn on others; squirmed out of more serious charges thanks to connections; and did his level best to punk a CNN correspondent. What’s left?

Via The Smoking Gun:

Since O’Keefe is on probation for tampering with the phones in Senator Mary Landrieu’s New Orleans district office, he has to get judicial approval to travel outside New Jersey, where he resides with his family. In a ruling yesterday, Magistrate Judge Daniel E. Knowles, III denied O’Keefe’s motion to make seven trips outside the Garden State between May 20 and July 5.

Fake Jimmy Olsen, you’ve been a ba-a-ad boy. No TV, no iPhone, no iPad, no dessert, and no trips for you!

Damned activist judges.


Note to Snooki and the other guidettes on Jersey Shore: Ladies (cough), you've been made rich and famous for no good reason and it's time to give some (literally!) back and. er, take one for your (mostly) adopted state. Go find this little dick (sorry, gals) and fuck him 'til he's dead. Should take about ten minutes and it won't even muss your hair or smear your tans. It's your civic duty to the citizens of The Garden State to use your only God-given talent in their behalf.

Then go find Secaucus Fats...

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