Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fuck us ...

If you're not rich and conservative, you're basically in the Republicans' crosshairs. As Gord pointed out yesterday, they're screwing the troops any way they can. They're also taking great pleasure in fucking over the poor people in the aftermath of natural disasters (In case the Rethugs have forgotten, these are the people who vote Republican).

Fez hits it on the head:


Eric Cantor apparently comes from the kind of family that will not spend the money to get their dog spayed only to later go on to drown the resulting puppies. Sure it is somewhat motivated by being cheap and short-[sighted], but mostly for the thrill of possibly killing puppies.


I'm beginning to believe that qualification to be part of the Republican leadership is you have to be a psychopath/sociopath. Where taxing the rich and defense spending are off the table, yet people who've had their lives wiped out are held hostage to conservative ideology, there can be no other explanation.

If they weren't sick, they wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

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