Thursday, May 19, 2011

Give it up, Mitt ...

You ain't got a chance. Don't worry about distancing yourself from your "previous self" as Governor of Massachusetts and the health care system you designed, that the President loves so much. It's the least of your worries. You see, Mr. Aravosis points out that, just like Neutie, another blast from your past will take you down:


Don't forget to add gay rights to the mix. Romney ran for Senate against Ted Kennedy in 1994 claiming that he was just as pro-gay as Kennedy. I remember, I helped on the race and was asked to help Kennedy rebut Romney's claim that he was just as liberal Kennedy, in 1994 no less. Romney was an social liberal before it was cool, folks. And now he pretends like he's Mr. Family Values. He's a liar and a fake. It's good to see that at least some people in the GOP are able to smell a fraud.

Obamacare and Queer Love? OMG! He's a damn commie!

See ya, Mittens. Heh ...

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