Friday, May 27, 2011

Let's hope ...

The homophobes in the NY State Senate don't get their way again. The little troll Mayor Bloomberg is pushing Governor Cuomo for a vote:

Mayor Bloomberg presented gay marriage in moral terms Thursday in a speech intended to pressure State Senators into voting for a bill this term. Speaking passionately and using blunt language, the Mayor posed a question to all state lawmakers:

"Do you want to be remembered as a leader on civil rights? Or an obstructionist? On matters of freedom and equality, history has not remembered obstructionists kindly."

Mayor Bloomberg wants to see an up-or-down vote on legalizing gay marriage in New York by the end of June, whereas Gov. Cuomo says it's better to wait until a majority 'Yes' vote is ensured.


We're supposed to be gay-loving, baby-killing, Commie pinkos; let's start acting like it. Bloomberg annoys me but he's absolutely correct on this one.

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