Saturday, May 21, 2011

Newt: Worst Campaign Promise Ever?

I'm still havin' fun with Neut "Don't Believe What I Say Just Because I Said It" Gingrich. What a royal fuckin' ignoramus.

Right Wing Watch

“I know how to get the whole country to resemble Texas.”
Newt Gingrich on Sean Hannity, May 11, 2011

“I dearly love the state of Texas,” the late Texan and progressive icon Molly Ivins wrote, “but I consider that a harmless perversion on my part, and discuss it only with consenting adults.” Noting that Texas was a state that provided relatively few services to its residents, she once wrote, “The only depressing part is that, unlike Mississippi, we can afford to do better. We just don’t.” Maybe that should be the motto for Newt Gingrich and his fellow anti-government demagogues.

Does Newt think we really want the whole country to look like Texas, which ranks:

Links to all of these.

50th in percentage of population without health insurance (2010)

50th in percentage of children insured (2009)

50th in percentage of women receiving early prenatal care (2010)

45th in rate of infectious diseases (2010)

44th in percentage of children in poverty (2010)

42nd in per capita health care funding (2010)

40th in overall health (2010)

36th in high school graduation rate (2010)

35th in crime (2010)

35th in percentage of children immunized (2010)

34th in rate of occupational fatalities (2010)

30th in percentage of people with college degree (2008)

Texas also ranks:

1st in amount of recognized carcinogens released into the air (2002)

4th highest in release of toxic chemicals into the environment (2002)

8th highest in percentage of people below poverty level (2008)

13th highest in obesity (2010)

“I know how to get the whole country to resemble Texas.” Uh, thanks, Newt, but no thanks.

No shit. Texas would look better as a state of Mexico, wouldn't lower their numbers much. If they still want it.

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