Friday, May 6, 2011

Now What?

William Rivers Pitt in a post about The Godawful Bush Years and their ongoing aftermath:

I wanted to celebrate the death of bin Laden, and in my own way, I did. I didn't dance in the streets or wave a flag or shout "USA! USA! USA!" But I definitely smiled, and I don't apologize for it. There an old joke about a man who would buy a newspaper every day from a paperboy, scan the front page, and then throw the paper away in disgust. After a while, the paperboy asked him why he kept throwing the paper away. "I'm looking for someone in the obituaries," the man replied. "But, sir," said the paperboy, "the obituaries aren't on the front page." The man looked at him and said, "When the son of a bitch I'm looking for dies, he'll be on the front page."

Fuckin' A, and there's more than one.

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