Sunday, May 15, 2011

Stupid, stupid day

I took these pics a coupla minutes ago when the sun came out for five minutes. Snow. Blech. The only good things about it are a) it'll melt quick if it doesn't keep up for a week, and b) it's fuckin' with the AMGEN Tour of California bike race big time. Heh.

You can see that I've almost got my deck railing rebuilt. I'm holding off on putting in the vertical stringers until the snow on the ground below melts enough to safely use a stepladder. I already tried with (thankfully) comic results. I'm not enough of a contortionist to put 'em in from this side.

The screen door needs replaced as well. Let's just say it got a little bent when the pups installed their own doggie door when a squirrel ran across the deck. The formerly attached screen didn't slow them down even a little bit. I will try for a pre-installed doggie door this time.

On the bright side, the little pile of snow behind the pickup is all that remains of the castle wall of snow I had after my roof got shovelled off. I was gonna take everything outta the back today to get the truck ready to get the cap taken off and get the rig into the body shop to fix the b'ar damage. It can wait.

Also on the bright side, I got my computer outta the shop Friday. I had a 'hard error' screen and it didn't work. Mike at Tahoe Tech Group did what amounted to a 100-gallon enema on it and now it works fine. He also put in a 2 Terabyte hard drive and a DVD capture program. Hal went from having 5% of its hard drive left to 99%. The speed's better too, like taking a moped inta the shop and getting a Multistrada back!

The tech shop is located on a short dirt road at the entrance to a seasonal campground. It's in what originally was a WWII army motor pool building and reminds me of some of the motorcycle shops I've worked in. It's got a sign on the highway, but basically when ya get to Spindleshanks* ya just throw a hard right. Primitive, nothin' fancy, but they do good work. They must be doing well as there were two techs this time.

*That joint's outta my price range, but I would love to hear what you folks think about the menu, prices, ambiance, etc.

Mrs. G got tired of gettin' outta bed to go smack the TV to make the colors go from shades of green to normal. Also, the set we paid 50 bucks for ten years ago had some kind of self-shutoff timer that seemed to be timed to shut the set off right at the crux of whatever program was on. Grrr. So we got a new one. A Westinghouse LED job. The damn thing is fully interactive/computer/tickle-yer-ass-with-a-feather capable. More ports than my computer. $229.99 at Costco. I don't see how they can sell 'em that cheap, but they better get good at it so when we're all getting Chinese wages we can still afford a new set when we need one. At 30% interest, of course.

We left home Friday morning with $10 cash between us and spent $900 and still have the sawbuck. Only in America.

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