Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Top-down 'voter fraud'


Clay County, KY Election Officials Sentenced to 156 Years in Election Rigging Case

The post is mostly about that and it's a good thing, but it relates to Wisconsin.

It is now officially impossible to know whether thousands of paper ballots being counted in the state of Wisconsin's Supreme Court election "recount" are the same ones actually cast on Election Day. It didn't have to be that way, unlike in Kentucky, where the voters never had a chance, and where high-ranking election officials have now been sentenced to more than 150 years in federal jail following "decades" of manipulated elections.

Thanks to serious chain of custody violations in Wisconsin --- such as ballot bags discovered to have been left "wide open" and unsealed in Waukesha County, and ballots left completely unsecured for weeks in the office of the Verona City Clerk in Dane County --- that now make it quite likely the real winner of the April 5th election for a 10-year term on the bench of that state's highest court will never be known for certain. That, even though thousands of votes have now been verified as having been miscounted during the state's partial hand-count, and even as the hotly-contested seat in question will determine the ideological balance of the court during one of the most contentious moments in Badger State history.

With results that will never be known for certain, the razor-thin contest has now become a fully "faith-based election", in contradiction to the checks and balances necessary for true self-governance.

It's "faith-based" all right - the WI Repugs have faith in their criminal election-rigging machine.

Election truism #1: It ain't the votes that count, it's who counts the votes.

I hope the WI miscreants get caught and go to jail like the Kentucky ones.

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