Saturday, May 14, 2011

Yesterday ...

So, Blogger wouldn't let me do anything yesterday morning. As Gordon says, idle hands are Lucifer's sex toy or something like that.

The Kinks - Apeman

I'll explain later. Gotta put my new lawnmower together. Yes, the landscaper's history.


So I was swinging from the trees yesterday. Like I said, Blogger was borked so I drug the girls out and started the tree pruning I've been putting off for the last couple years.

I took about 8 limbs off the big pine in the left foreground.

And did the same to the pine on the right. I only took one big branch off the maple on the left.

I put the maple on the side to dry after cutting it up.

I stripped the pine branches down and built a "fence" along the back of my compost pile.

And now, for the mower. I was pissed last night after the landscaper didn't show up (this, after calling on Tuesday and saying he'd be here Wednesday), not the first instance of his unprofessionalism, so I was gonna call him and tell him to go fuck himself the Mrs. called and politely told him his services wouldn't be needed.

So then I thought about it, what I actually needed as opposed to what I wanted (thinking with the head on the shoulders instead of the little one), and what I could actually fit in the garage (1 car) alongside all my woodworking stuff, two big rollaway toolboxes the heating oil tank (300 gal), the Mrs.' chest freezer, lawn implements, work bench, and a whole buncha building materials.

I ended up with this. It's a 21" Honda with bag/mulch and variable speed transmission. Cut the lawn with it (1/2 acre) in about an hour and it did an excellent job. The variable speed is a great feature and it wasn't that big of a beast to manhandle. Got it in the garage but I can barely walk in there now. Gotta get a shed.

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