Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Barf Alert

Perry: Texans Don’t Like Me Because ‘A Prophet Is…Not Loved In Their Hometown’

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little...


  1. If that is good enough for Texans to not like Good Hair, it's good enough for me.

  2. Is it because he is a brunette Donald Trump?

  3. I'm praying he runs, as if Bachmann-the-Nut or the Frothy Mixture weren't bad enough. Stuff another one into the clown car. I'm going with Larry when he says T-Paw's gonna be the last one standing. Perfect for the GOP; the man with the personality of a dial tone.

  4. I hope you and Larry are right about Tea-Paw, but I think he and "Asset Stripper" Romney are both terribly flawed, thank God, and either one will lose.
