Thursday, June 9, 2011

Delta changes bag policy for returning soldiers

Following up on yesterday's post:


WASHINGTON - U.S. soldiers returning from Afghanistan posted a YouTube video complaining that they had to pay Delta Air Lines $2,800 out of pocket to check extra bags, prompting an onslaught of online comments critical of Delta and at least one boycott effort.

The video went online late Tuesday. By Wednesday afternoon -- nearly 200,000 views later -- Delta had posted a blog message saying it had revised its bag fee policy for troops. The airline had been allowing troops traveling coach class three free bags, but was imposing a $200 fee on a fourth bag. Now Delta -- in a statement attributed to a company social media director -- says fourth bags will be free.

"Social media director" = cleanup crew.

A military spokeswoman told CBS affiliate WGCL any extra baggage fees assessed by an airline will be reimbursed by the government, depending on the troops' orders.

Army officials said Wednesday they were trying to identify the soldiers in the video and their unit. One sergeant in the video said the unit was returning from Afghanistan to Fort Polk in Louisiana.

But some troops told WGCL that the soldiers will be in hot water when their superiors find out about the YouTube clip.

The only thing worse than charging the troops exorbitant - or any - fees is for the troops to tell about it. Our GIs ain't stupid. That video is gone like the buffalo, but it did what it was meant to do first.

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