Thursday, June 23, 2011

Digby's right ...

We can heap on the brown people all we want, but the truth of the matter is Osama bin Laden could have been hiding out here for all we knew:

In all seriousness, it is terribly ironic that [wanted murderer "Whitey"] Bulger was referenced by the Pakistanis as evidence that it's entirely possible for a notorious criminal to hide in plain sight and, lo and behold, it turns out he was doing just that.(Coincidence?)


This guy was on the lam 6 years longer than Osama and the FBI couldn't find him, though he was sunning his ass (and getting regular ass) in Santa Monica.

Maybe we should just shut up about "American Exceptionalism"; ya think?


  1. Mrs. G just came in and told me that even the mob didn't like that sonofabitch because he'd double-cross anybody. They're glad he's busted.

    I betcha upscale Santa Monica's glad he's busted too.

  2. 17 years on the lam and the FBI finds bupkis. One day on The View and Whitey is in the slam. Let's put the Ladies of The View in charge of the FBI.

  3. What? His friends and cohorts in the FBI all died and now it's o.k. to find Whitey?


    I loved, loved, loved the movie ("The Departed").

    :) Jay in N.C.

  4. His friends and cohorts in the FBI all died and now it's o.k. to find Whitey?

    That's not far off. There are some very nervous retired FBI agents since he got caught.
