Sunday, June 5, 2011

Due nude ad Auschwitz

This video got me ta thinkin' on more levels than I can shake a stick at.

Alfredo Speranzoni and Massimo Plati. Trip to Auschwitz by bike, Kawasaki ZRX 1200 R and Honda CB 1300 F, january 27 2010 day of memory. With electrically heated clothing by Klan srl.

I'm sure the clothing kept them warm and the grim irony of the 'Klan' brand name on their way to Auschwitz went right over their heads for sure.

Tomorrow is 6 June, the 67th anniversary of D-Day, which in the final analysis of WWII was all about ridding the world of the mentality that spawned places like Auschwitz. It didn't, but it got rid of that bunch.

'Nude' and 'naked' refer to motorcycles without fairings. Woulda been a really fun video otherwise! Nobody's that crazy!

I'm sittin' here watchin' these dumbass Guidos do this crazy ride and I got ta thinkin' what a pussy I've turned into by waiting for sunny warm days to ride my bike. Then it slowly dawned on me - I've grown maybe a little sane! Perhaps wisdom comes with age after all...

Then again, perhaps a coupla hundred miles of cold and wet and misery and falling off and pain puts you in the right frame of mind to visit a place like Auschwitz.

The song is "Bring It On Home". Appropriate. We need to constantly bring it on home the lesson of places like this. Never forget, never again.

A 'day of memory' for sure.

Thanks to alfredosperanzoni, * Italy.

*Gives his age as 56. Old enough to know better, young enough to do it anyway. There's hope for me yet! Heh.

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