Saturday, June 18, 2011

Earworm ...

I was moving the cars around the other day and I hopped in the Mrs.' car, started it up, and her Broadway station was on the Sirius. This tune was playing:

From the musical Hairspray - Good Morning Baltimore

Aren't you glad I shared? Heh ... It's still stuck in my head.


  1. Oh no you don't! I will not be sucked in by your attempts at innocence and sweetness. No earworm shall I ever acquire by such devious subterfuge. Your plot has failed! FAILED! I say.

    Oh, and for such an attempt at evil, I leave you with.........

    "Take me out to the ball park, take me out to the..........."

    So there.

  2. Kind of a good song, actually, F-Man. Question: does Mrs. F turn the volume down before she shuts the car off or was it at 11 when you turned it on? Heh.

  3. 11.

    Funniest thing. In one of her old Explorers about 10 years ago. Our cars always come with the JBL Audiophile systems in 'em. I was home and it was summer. The Mrs. is coming back from somewhere and I heard her stereo 3/4 mile down the road (she had the windows and moonroof open). Couple brothas hanging out on the corner across the street and they heard it too and you can see them nodding at her like "good stereo, sister" until they heard what was blasting out:

    "If I were a rich man ..."

    The Topol version of course.

    They looked at each other with the same question ("What the fuck was that?") on their faces, shrugged their shoulders and continued down the street. I was giggling my ass off.

  4. Some'a that shit that rattles the windows when it goes by here, I pray for a little Fiddler...Man Of La Mancha...Book Of Mormon...anything!

  5. You should come to my neighborhood. We get everything from hip-hop, to old Latin crooners, to Bollywood soundtracks, to the latest Japanese girl band. I've been known to blast some Beethoven's 5th or Tchaikovsky's 1812 down the block. Just doing my part. Heh ...

  6. blast some ... Tchaikovsky's 1812 down the block

    With cannon, no doubt!;)
