Thursday, June 16, 2011

Get 'em all with one round...


Tens of thousands of excited Israelis and Americans, music performances, appearances by local and international celebrities, senior politicians and a live broadcast that will reach millions of viewers – this is just some of what is in store for Glenn Beck's upcoming rally "to restore courage," which is set to take place on August 24 in Jerusalem.

Beck has been leading a publicity campaign for the event over the past few weeks, urging his viewers and listeners to fly out to the Holy Land.

The staunch Christian Fox News personality aims to show support for Israel by recreating last August's rally "to restore honor," which he held in Washington, DC.

I think that rally failed miserably in the attempt to restore what was never there. Miss Becky wouldn't know 'honor' if it bit him on the ass.

The multi-million dollar production is expected to be attended by a convoy of American dignitaries, including former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. US Senator Joe Lieberman, a independent, and Republicans Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee and Congresswoman Michelle Bachman are to join Beck at the rally as well.

They say they're not so Becky is probably lying as usual(one of his admirable qualities is consistency), but if they do show up...

Note to Hamas, al-Fatah, Hezbollah, al Qaeda, oissed-off, crazy, or drunk Palestinians, and militant Arabs and Islamists of all stripes: If yer plannin' ta blow something up this summer...


  1. Let me finish your thought,
    That would be a good time to do it....

  2. Thanks, Nucks. I think I succeeded in my aim of not making that sentence too awfully hard to finish. ;)

  3. Can we revoke his citizenship while he's gone?

  4. We could probably short sheet his bed and make him cry.
