Wednesday, June 29, 2011

History ...

Is what you make it.

Oliver Willis:

You knew it was going to happen at some point. Here are the edits some Bachmann fan attempted to add to Wikipedia in order to prove Bachmann’s false allegation that the then-child John Quincy Adams was a founding father. They were soon reverted with an admonition to "Please don’t edit an historical article based on current events."


Din't the Soviets (you know, Socialist Commies) do this shit too? Just askin' ...


  1. I'm not too worried about Wikipedia. I worry more about them changing textbooks in Texas.

  2. I believe your concern is very well-founded and not just for Texass.

    The every cynical Jay in N.C.

  3. What Texas wants in their textbooks gets in every school district in the country. Texas has a lot of influence in the textbook biz.

  4. Texas has a lot of influence in the textbook biz.

    That's the thing that amazes me. I get that Texas buys the most textbooks of any other state, but you'd think that school administrators in more sane areas of the country would vet some of these things before buying them for their districts.
