Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I know a guy ...

In Germany who, around November every year, gets himself arrested so he'll have a warm place to sleep in the winter. Looks like people gotta do it here to be treated for their illnesses:

A 59-year-old man has been jailed in Gastonia, N.C., on charges of larceny after allegedly robbing an RBC Bank for $1 so he could get health care in prison. Richard James Verone handed a female teller a note demanding the money and claiming that he had a gun, according to the police report.


Thanks to Susie for the link.


  1. Prison health care here in the US is a menace to public health. Here in California our prison system has been under Federal court order for so long due to its inadequate health care provisions for prisoners that it's become sort of a long-running joke. But even inadequate health care is better than NO health care, even with the shower-room rapes and all that. And NO health care is what single men get under the Medicaid Act -- they're explicitly singled out as not covered by Medicaid. That is, thankfully, fixed by Robamneycare, so if this poor sod had been able to hold on for only two more years until Robamneycare kicks in, he could have gotten Medicaid... but given the description of his ills, he would have been dead in two years. Siiiigh... we are such a humane nation, aren't we?

    - Badtux the Sickened Penguin

  2. I had a friend, whose nickname was Grape, who liked to time his jail sentences for winter. He came out in spring all fat and rested and ready for another season of dodging the law. Had it down to an art.

    Our CA prison health services would be increased by half if the lockups would get a new pair of toenail clippers.

  3. I would guess, in that guy's situation, bad health care is better than no health care.

  4. The food's nothing to write home about either, also better than none.
