Thursday, June 2, 2011

I understand ...

About pilots needing to get in their qualification time and that they have to fly regularly, not just on actual operations, to keep up. But, to fly in to your son's baseball game, and then have a limo drag your big ol' ass a hundred yards to the grandstand is just so wrong on so many levels.

... All governors will abuse their state police aircraft, it goes with the turf. But most of them can walk a 100 yards ...

Firstly, it feeds the stereotype that all overweight people are lazy.

Secondly, it's unseemly when you're complaining that your state is broke, and its cities are cutting their police forces in half, and then using an able-bodied NJ State Police aviation team and chopper for personal shit (and the limo to drag him and Mrs. Fats 200 yards, to and fro from said aircraft). Let's remember, he flew off in the 5th inning to meet with "big Republican donors" from Iowa about running for the presidency so none of this could be classified as "state business".

Thirdly, it's a giving a big middle finger to the people who voted for you thinking you were a "fiscal conservative".

Somehow, I think Secaucus Fats' chances of becoming president are getting ... slimmer. Heh ...

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