Friday, June 24, 2011

Last night on Charlie Rose

There were two very interesting segments on Charlie Rose last night. Go see, if these topics interest you. They did me.

One was on the arrest of Whitey Bulger. Some about him, but a lot about how the FBI's account of his capture doesn't pass the smell test amongst other law enforcement and Those In The Know and that a lot could be gained by having some agency other than the FBI conduct his "debrief". Interesting. We have not heard the end of this story by a long shot, and the FBI might be sweating bullets over what might come out on their complicity in his crimes. I would say that a mass exodus of retired FBI agents to countries with no extradition treaties with the U.S. is not out of the question.

The other good segment is an interview with Richard Stengel about his upcoming article in Time magazine about the Constitution. I paraphrase a memorable comment:

"The Constitution is not the yellow line in the center of the road. It's the guard rail."

I like that!

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