Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Maybe ...

You should just shut the fuck up.

Real nice of President Obama to put in his two cents on the whole Anthony Weiner issue. For a man who can't take a stand on anything to do with policy matters, who keeps his mouth shut when Republicans drag it in the dirt, this is the issue he chooses to take a firm stand on? Sometimes I wonder about this fucking guy. If he would have been this determined during the health care debate, we might have something resembling single-payer right now. The man has no balls when it counts, but he's sure willing to kick his own when they're down. Clown.


  1. Perfect comment, Fixer.

    (Isn't it Obama's Justice Dept. under Obama's appointee, Eric Holder, that is sort of declining to unnecessarily trouble John Ensign?)

    Jay in N.C.

  2. He's been a Republican from the very beginning. He's continued Bush's policies and Bush's wars and, when he criticizes someone, it's a Republican or lefty bloggers.

  3. I meant "it's a Democrat or lefty bloggers".

  4. I can barely stand to scan the news headlines anymore.


  5. Seems to be the Democrat way these days...when the Repubs roar and shriek, the Dems quiver and run, instead of fighting back...

    Yep, the Party of Chickenhearts...
