Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Our idiot ...

No, the other one. Peter King is holding more "Scare the Seniors" hearings:

WESTBURY, N.Y. - (AP) -- Members of several New York organizations Tuesday decried the next round of hearings by Rep. Peter King on what he calls the radicalization of the Muslim-American community.

King, who heads the House Homeland Security Committee, has scheduled a Wednesday hearing in Washington focusing on radicalization in U.S. prisons. He said he plans to call several law enforcement experts to testify on recent examples of terrorist recruitment among inmates.


You'd think, if King wants to talk about radicalization in the prisons, he'd be talking about white supremacists and street gangs. But no, he's talking about Muslims of course. Looks to me like more in the Republican Party have undergone "radicalization" in the last 10 years than have American Muslims.


  1. No offense, but I'm glad that fuckin' idiot is your'n (sp?).

  2. King found an issue that doesn't mean a damn thing and he knows it but it gets him air time for 'protecting' us against a non-existent threat. The gullible and scaredy-cats of the Dead-End Quarter'll go for it.

  3. No shit, he's on the local news every night. Sucks when his appearance coincides with dinner time.

  4. Yeah, who wants to eat when that's on? Yuck. Good diet plan maybe.

  5. Good diet plan maybe.

    There is that.
