Saturday, June 11, 2011

Playing wif my privates privets ...

Had to remove a row of privet hedge along the dogs' kennel when the fence guys came this past week, so I spent yesterday replanting them in another part of the yard, pruning (they'd gotten quite "leggy" since all I'd done was trim the tops a bit every other year since we moved in), and then started rooting some cuttings. Being we were supposed to have storms last night (we did) and today (we are) I had to git 'r done yesterday.

I also "de-Gitmoed" the kennel a bit (I'll have pics when the sun comes out) with some new shrubs and hanging pots. It was either that or catch me some Talibans, put 'em in orange jumpsuits, and toss 'em in for the girls as toys (I told the Mrs. it would have looked perfect with coils of razor-wire across the top, she said my German was showing again; heh ...). Shrubs and plant hangers were easier.


A little blog maintenance note: I'll be switching comment platforms on here, probably tomorrow evening so be prepared for some glitches (I'll be going with Blogger). Since I haven't done any maintenance on this page for a couple years (aside from fixing browser issues), I figure I'll work on the shit that ain't working, outdated, and just fucked up. Being our 7th Blogiversary is coming up on 4 July, I figured this time is as good as any.

Since I wrote* this template about 5 years ago and kept it working with spit and bailing wire, there might be bigger changes than I expect**. I've been working with the new Blogger stuff on a couple of my other blogs (Worlds, Sent Off!) since I came back from the Canaries and it looks like it does what I want in a more simple way. Simple works well in my life at this point.

Back to carpentry*** ...

*I learned CSS by the seat of my pants.
**No, we're not going conservative.
***Building a bathroom vanity.

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