Monday, June 20, 2011

Quote of the Day

Digby on the media concerning Washington sex scandals:

... The juvenile glee with which they pore over the most salacious details is best described as Beavis and Butthead go to Washington.



Cable guy's supposed to be here between 8 and 11 because the TVs in the bar and the Mrs. office have gone schizoid. I'm pretty sure it ain't my system (the TVs in my office and the bedroom are fine) so we got the tech coming. If I had any time, I'd take the two boxes to the cable store and swap them out but I figure I pay them enough every month, they can come out to me for once.


  1. Our cable - SuddenlyNoLink - has been on the fritz all weekend too. Works, but pixellated and blinked off then back on about every two minutes. Irritating as all get out.

  2. Would you believe it was the 6 feet of cable (mine) going from their connection on the house to mine on the other side of the wall? I just replaced the 40 year old one last year (or the year before, I forget when I did what) when I redid the upstairs. Stuck me a new one in already, though the Mrs. is working so I can't disconnect the old one and connect the new until after business hours. She assured me she can survive with the funny TV for a few more hours. ;)

  3. Last time I tried to switch out a cable box by myself, the cable guy had to come anyway - they have to call the office and update the box numbers and suchlike.

  4. Had to have the phone guy come out a few months ago. Some critter had chewed the line in two in the ONE 2-foot section that wasn't plainly visible. Took the both of us a half hour to find it.

  5. The last time we had a tech here, a little critter chewed through the cable wire in a really hidden spot. It was a little red dog who answers to Ziva. Heh ...

  6. We have more in common sometimes than anybody would think. It never ceases to amaze me.
