Monday, June 13, 2011

Related Headlines of the Day

After David Koch Leaves NIH Board, NIH Hands Down Long-Delayed Classification Of Top Koch Pollutant As A Carcinogen

Governance Meant to Protect You from Wealthy, Powerful Predators Has Been Perverted to Protect Wealthy, Powerful Predators from You

I hope the rich are good to eat. Perhaps with fava beans and a nice chianti. Salsa for sure. I think they - and their politicians - will be very hard to clean.


  1. And only those who are informed see this. The ignorant (willing or not) take what they're fed and believe the government will always be on their side until they're on the side of the road begging for nickels.

  2. Not hard to clean at all. A still, thick, wire brush should do the trick. I suggest the ones used on dirty charcoal grills.

    Of course, there is always the good, old-fashioned fillet knife.

  3. You might want a more full bodied, robust wine like a Cote de Rhone to keep from being overpowered by the gamey taste.

  4. I'd just singe all the hair off, zip out the nasty bits, section into roast sized chunks, debone, defat (the most work), tie up like rolled roast, season heavily, and plan on extended slow cooking or smoking. Gotta give the fat lots of time to drip - wouldn't bother trying to skin 'em as the hide is much too thin to mess with.
    I suspect brining will be required prior to cooking. And I wouldn't be surprised if a dog walks away from the finished product . . .

  5. Ironically, the Kochs are big on funding cancer research. At Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD, there is a David Koch Cancer Research Center across the street from the doctor I see.

  6. Anon - "Ironically, the Kochs are big on funding cancer research."

    They wanna live forever.

  7. Tastes just like lizard, I understand. As you'd expect, given that they're sociopathic lizard people who view human beings as prey, not people.

    -- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
