Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Run on this x 435, ya rat bastids

This is my congressional district. It's huge in area but probably has about the same number of people in it as the rest of them, 639,000 at the latest count.

Report: Impacts of Republican Medicaid Cuts in California's 4th Congressional District

This analysis provides information on the impact of the Republican Medicaid proposals in the 4th Congressional District of California, which is represented by Rep. Tom McClintock. Currently, 88,000 individuals in the district receive health care coverage under Medicaid.

That's about 1 in 7-8.

In the 4th congressional district in California, which Rep. Tom McClintock represents, these provisions could:

- Reduce coverage for 16,400 dual eligible seniors and individuals with disabilities who rely on Medicaid to supplement their Medicare coverage or pay their Medicare cost sharing.

- Jeopardize nursing home care for 1,400 whose expenses are paid by Medicaid.

- Impair the health care of 47,000 children, including 1,800 newborns each year, who receive coverage under Medicaid.

- Cut payments to hospitals for 14,000 emergency room visits paid for by Medicaid each year.

- Cut payments to hospitals for 4,800 inpatient visits paid for by Medicaid each year.

- Reduce jobs and hurt economic growth by eliminating $1.2 billion in Medicaid spending.

Yeah, Repugs. Run on "poor and old people can go fuck themselves". I want you to.

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