Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Tea-Party Utopia

In toto from Crooks and Liars. Links at site and you should go see the photo.

Nicholas Kristof had quite an interesting rumination imagining just what the ideal American society should look like according to the values of ultra-patriotic Tea-Partiers. Our country should have the lowest tax burdens of any major country: fewer than two percent of the people would ever pay any taxes. Government would be so limited that burdensome regulations could never kill jobs. Our American rightwing Eden would embrace traditional religious values and a conservative sensibility, where school prayer is mandatory, same-sex marriage is unthinkable, and criminals are never coddled.

Our economy policies would make a strong military, the nation’s most respected institution, the number-one budget priority, and politicians would defer to the advice of military generals. Citizens would be deeply patriotic, and nobody would ever burn the flag. Sounds like the perfect society according to the opinions of Tea Party Republicans and their champions, Sarah Palin, John Boehner, Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul, etc. Right?

The problem is, this Republican Utopia already exists.

It’s Pakistan.

Cold shot! Right on the money too.

We can only hope the 'baggers will see this and move there where they will get the rudest and most deserved awakening of their lives.

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