Sunday, June 19, 2011

To all the dads out there ...

Happy Father's Day!

Now, go mow the fucking lawn. Heh ...


  1. I'm gonna do that.

    Along with a bunch of god damn beer !

  2. Four men that I know are going to be legless today for doing such a great job of raising good kids.

  3. Up this way, women outnumber men 10 to 1 when its lawn mowing time. You can tell which men kept their conjugal rights by which women have a riding mower.

  4. Talked to the old man last night since he's going to be in Wenatchee shopping with Mom all day tomorrow. He's doing better since the surgery, his cane is always nearby. Not that he uses it but he has to keep track of it 'cause Mom tore him a new one when he lost the last one. (conveniently left at WalMart)

    His garden will be great this year, I hope to get pics to show you guys how this growing stuff works.

    Happy Father's Day to all the dads and dudes here in the ol' Brain pan.

  5. A man who buys his wife a riding mower knows which side his bed is buttered on.

  6. Then too a man that mows the lawn gets his buttered in bed.

  7. Works out either way! Win-win! More butter! ;)

  8. Proper lubrication is paramount!
