Wednesday, June 8, 2011

US Boat to Gaza Is a Quarter Jewish

For some reason, my first thought was of a sailor snapping to with a hand salute and a hearty "Oy Oy, Sir!"...


What does it mean that the US Boat to Gaza is a quarter Jewish? Maybe it means that the Israeli authorities will have some compunction about shooting up our boat. After all, isn't the official story of Zionism all about making a "safe harbor" for Jews in Palestine? We're not trying to make aliyah. We just want to visit. Should we be shot for trying to do so? Wouldn't it be a mitzvah to let us pass unharmed?

You Yids be careful. It's a nice idea what you're doing, but you're just more Palestinian sympathizers to the Israeli right-wingers, just like we're commies to ours. They'll shoot you in a heartbeat.

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