Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The best explanation ...

I've heard yet about why Obama is the way he is. Thereisnospoon @ Digby's:


The entire intent of the Administration would be, under this theory, to make both sides go ballistic so that the Administration can look like the only adult in the room to independent voters. Cutting Social Security is precisely designed to make the Left visibly cry out in anguish. And they're counting on the idea that the Republican market fundamentalist cult will so terrify the vast majority of Democrats come election season that they'll dutifully pull the lever for the Administration no matter what. They may be right. The President's fundraising total from small donors does seem to reflect a broad range of committed support. [em in orig]


The only thing we can hope for is he might be a bit more progressive once (if) he's reelected.

Addendum: Just wondering (as I'm painting the new medicine cabinet to surprise the Mrs. when she gets home), what would the Republican Party do with a Republican President who dissed his base as much as Obama does his? I betcha they'd primary him after his first term.

1 comment:

  1. I betcha they'd primary him after his first term.

    They did. And when that didn't work, they ran a 3rd party candidate against him. The year was 1992. The President was George H.W. Bush, an old-school pro-business Republican who had raised taxes, dismissed Reaganomics as "Voodoo Economics", and made clear his disdain for the Christofascist base of the modern Republican Party. And he lost.

    - Badtux the History Penguin
