Thursday, July 21, 2011

Better make sure ...

You can deliver before you commit yourself. A big:

Nelson Muntz - Ha, ha

Goes out to the Tea Party Nation Corporation of Franklin, TN:

On Monday Venetian Casino Resort, LLC. filed suit against Tea Party Nation Corporation of Franklin, TN for $642,144 in unpaid hotel bills and interest. According to a contract attached to the suit, Tea Party Nation agreed to pay the resort $579,148 in the event of a cancellation. The Palazzo alleges the group still owes $554,148, plus [an] 18 percent interest charge of $87,996. [my bolds]


What gets me more than obligating themselves to a more than half-million dollar cancellation charge is their agreement to pay 18% interest. In this day and age, with the cost of money at next to nothing, to pay 18% on anything (except a revolving balance on a credit card) is nuts.

'Splains a lot about Teabaggers.


  1. They don't care about paying bills, it seems. Like the debt ceiling. Buncha deadbeats.

  2. I think it's less a matter of being deadbeats than it is a matter of not being able to do basic arithmetic!

    Jay in N.C.

  3. Yeah, they're dummies too, but you're much too kind.

  4. I was going for "gullible" but "dummies" and "deadbeats" will work just as well.
