Monday, July 25, 2011

The Undecideds ...

Chris Hayes has an interesting post up about "undecided voters" on his blog:

For those who follow politics, there are few things more mysterious, more inscrutable, more maddening than the mind of the undecided voter. In this year's election, when the choice was so stark and the differences between the candidates were so obvious, how could any halfway intelligent human remain undecided for long? "These people," Jonah Goldberg once wrote of undecided voters, on a rare occasion when he probably spoke for the entire political class, "can't make up their minds, in all likelihood, because either they don't care or they don't know anything."


I feel, in this day and age, if you are undecided about what party supports (mostly) the needs of the average American, you're either extremely gullible or you just don't get it.

Thanks to Gaius Publius for the link.

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