Thursday, July 28, 2011

Christ ...

Bloody whiners:

Controversial anti-gay preacher Bradlee Dean is sick of the "left-wing" media's attacks against him, so he's decided to do something about it.

Dean and his ministry, You Can Run But You Cannot Hide, are suing Rachel Maddow and MSNBC for slander and false light, seeking damages in excess of $50 million.


I think we should get like the Germans and have "religions" prove they are really a religion and not a cult. We wouldn't have as many nuts running around.


  1. Never heard of "false light" before; had to Google it. It is apparently similar to defamation, except that the information need not be false, only misleading, and broadcast with malice intended.

  2. Who knew? I thought it was what we used with the psychedelic posters of the '60s and '70s. ;)
